Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hush on the Ugandan Anti-Gay bill

While we in Uganda accept that we can never understand the level of social acceptance of homosexuality that the western world largely embraces and wants to impose on us, we also acknowledge our right of refusal.
We have long been the unwilling pawns of colonial abuse and now globalization. I say to all (and only) you overbearing and insensitive people, we in Uganda have about had it. We don't prescribe to you what is or should be acceptable to you in your countries. You obviously still want to do that to us! HEY STOP! I would like to hear you say incest is now not criminal! Then move on to bestiality. Don't leave out multiple marriage partners or even pedophilia! However messed up you get in your own cage, well, we'll bemusedly look on and even applaud your social sophistication if it makes you happy. But don't try selling such lightly disguised evil here. We don't care how you dress it. The outer garb doesn't alter the inner foul. Your rhetoric and classical spin won't hit traction in Uganda. Please go away from this. Let Ugandans decide what’s good for them. If this means you play your sanctions card against us, hey good luck to you and your mama. Uganda is the food basket of the world. We prefer to keep our God given values, defend our sovereignty and be heterosexually anchored than to have spittle and crumbs from you haters. Besides, show me one ass-kissing country that ever benefited by betraying its people to the western world!
Whatever you say, you have to contextualize. Stop hating on us Ugandans because we want to keep our house as clean as we can. Let up on your interference! There is a limit to how warped we can be to dance to your financial tunes! We don’t want to have gays and we are setting a pre-emptive barrier to the inundation of twisted values you and Hollywood are bombarding Africa and Uganda with. Why do you have prisons and laws in your countries? Who taught Uganda how to structure governance, how to generate laws, religion etc, etc? You guys! However, we paid (and continue to pay) a steep price for your selfish wanderlust and greed. We have been fed on the thin ice theory that the west has the moral authority to deliver prescription for the cultural constitution and tolerance of our societies just because you steal our wealth and hoodwink our leaders with pittance handouts. Hey, you make your bed, you sleep in it. You taught us that too. Live in your socially liberal societies where you can gracefully massage your collective conscious with devilish rhetoric about right or wrong. Leave Uganda to the Ugandans and keep your blood money if that’s your only leverage. One day, we shall demand that you repay the wealth you stole from Africa, afterall, you have also taught us that crimes do not expire! History is littered with examples of people making matters worse by being involved in something they don t really understand.
Oh common guys, Now we are “the nation that kills gays”? Ok let’s join the name calling in a moment. First though, let me supplement your education. Deterrents. That’s what we are trying to establish after the realization that there is a real danger of our youth being balled over by Hollywood hype and sponsored sexual re-orientation from the west. Don’t deny, you all know what Western TV is doing to Africa. We don’t want to end up a secular, unhinged state like several I can name in the west! I can quote several of your leaders who no longer know if "bad" exists. Everything is placed on a scale of relativity – and thus your permissive, warped values.
Africa on the other hand, has been economically and politically raped with the mainstream engineering of the west. Now you wish to extend the battle to a front we are not willing to engage let alone humour you on. We shall stand firm. Go ahead and encourage your offspring to even explore more bizarre behaviour. We shall not stop you. But dare not to export your social decadence. Please. You are bad enough for the whole world. We do not have nuclear weapons, you do. You have even used them. Do you hear us calling you mass murderers? The “democratic free nations of indiscriminate mass killers”?
You don’t even know why you are in Iraq. How can you know that same sex relating is evil? I try to understand and tolerate you at arms length. Do the same for us. We do not need homosexuality acceptance! Be cool!
What’s with the bragging and name calling? You see, a lot of your problems have come about because of a lack of respect for the sovereignty and dignity of other nations and people. America (USA) is a nation of conquering immigrants whose wealth and prosperity status would not be the same without having ridden on the back of slavery and theft. Great Britain’s Queen, God save her, presides over a kingdom groomed and nurtured on blood money. To date, the leaders of that little island still practice open colonialism! I know, it’s unbelievable but so true! I have not heard your hullabaloo over the source of your wealth! Nor over the dubious standards when creating wars-for-profit off your shores. When you continue to oppress young nations, deploy your superior coercive strength to extract outcomes that only benefit your selfish objectives no matter the cost to others and try to impose cultures and values that are abhorrent and insensitive to your targets, how can you possibly stand tall and look yourselves in the mirror? What is your moral locus? Prosperity? Freedom? Democracy? Equal Rights? What face can you put to this abomination that lets you eat without retching?
That said, let’s move the debate to where it should be. Deterrent punishment for homosexual offenders and the drive against universal social acceptance of the homosexual act in Uganda. I say this. We in Uganda understand our situation slightly better than you our brothers. We shall never accept a society characterized by blatant disregard for the order of nature nor by such a disrespectful use of the gift of sexuality! We have enough of our own home-grown serious problems I assure you. Please do not try to run us over with yours! Enough is enough surely!
First you came with guns and killed us for fun. Then you raped our women, pillaged our lands. Did you stop? No, you chained up our energetic youth, caged them in treacherous ships and whipped the survivors into slavery to drive your economies. Then you forced us to grow crops to feed your industries and coffers, never mind that it cost us nutritionally and economically. You forced us to pay allegiance and taxes to your monarchs. You ruled us, confused us and abused us. You made us pay dearly for daring to ask for self rule. Then you launched us into self-doubt by imposing your form of governance on our young leaders without training them. Net result, disaster that gave you more leverage and the moral high ground. Applause, Very clever! Well, all this was not exactly you, but your forefathers. Point is, why are you not dressed in mourning? Where are the sackcloths and ashes, O you of high moral fibre? We hear not a whimper! If we have buried all that, and now break bread with you without condemnation, it doesn’t mean we have forgotten. Nor does it mean that we’ll turn around and bend over!

Beware you mass-hypnotists, I am soon to be president of Uganda!! Long live clean Uganda! Long live Africa!

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